

The emergence of an emerging middle class, linked to the exodus from the towns to the capital, to which was added the shortage of water and that this was not available in most houses, led to the second half of the 19th century and the first of the twentieth, a new way of earning a living arose: to wash other people's clothes. This work was developed by women belonging to the humblest class of the society of Caceres, and the trade, as well as the use of laundry, batteries and wires, passed from generation to generation, being famous in the city strains of washerwomen as "the culolobos "," The galapas "or" the cañetas ". Most of them lived in the poorest areas of the city: Caleros, Villalobos, Tenerias ... On many occasions their work was the sole sustenance of the family, while at other times, it was a salary aid for husbands, who used to to be gardeners, artisans, tanners ... The women went from washing their own clothes to washing it as a way of subsistence, giving a service claimed by the middle classes of the city, which abounded the merchants, military and officials.

The usual thing was for the washer women to pick up the clothes at their "house" on Mondays and to wash them throughout the week in public or private laundries. Some of those laundries were near the town center like those of the Ribera del Marco, among which stood out the one that was located next to Fuente Concejo, that of the huerta de Benigno (in front of Rocha fountain) or that of the Orchard of Justi . Others were much further away, such as the mines of Valdeflores, Beltrán (on the old road of Casar), Hinche (on the R66), Madrila (Prince's Park) or Cork (on the climb to the Mountain and that I will show you IN DETAIL in the next post).


During the "febrerillo loco" the laundresses celebrated their most important party. From the first of the month was placed in each laundry "a February" or wimple made with old clothes and straw and to which was added male attributes that peeked through the pants, using a turnip (now this has been CENSORED and DELETED ). This doll accompanied the washerwomen throughout the month, and if the day was good and sunny, the puppet received compliments and nice words throughout the day, while if it was cold, it rained, it snowed or hailed, in February he received mockery, insults and teasing. The last day of the month (and not the Friday before the carnivals as it is done now) was the big party. But it was important throughout February to raise money to celebrate it. The funding came from what the "amas" contributed; the merchants also helped where the women bought all the year, and another part came from all the neighbors, because to February a "boat" was placed during that month where anyone could contribute some coins. During that day there was no lack of coffee, typical sweets, brandy and food used to be a kid's frit. Just at lunchtime it was when the puppet was burned, as a sign of leaving behind one of the hardest months and beginning the spring.

Every year, Cáceres, in Extremadura, celebrates the festivity in honour of its patron saint, San Jorge (the Spanish name for Saint George), in the week of 23 April.

The festival symbolises the Christian reconquest of the city, and combines historical facts like the dispute between Muslims and Christians with legends such as Saint George's victory over the dragon. The streets of the city are decked out for the festivities, and the events include the 'burning of the dragon' in the Plaza Mayor square and dramatised re-enactments of the battle between the Muslims and Christians. There are also processions to the shrine of the Virgin of La Montaña, a bonfire competition, and the search for the golden hens (two golden eggs which are hidden around the city).

El viernes 16 de Febrero recibimos una visita muy entretenida organizada por el equio de biblioteca, con mitivo de la celebración de los carnavales y la festividad de las lavanderas tradicional de Cáceres.

Para saber un poquito más podéis vsitar nuestro blog de la biblioteca.


El jueves 8 de febrero celebramos los carnavales en el centro.

Siguiendo con el proyecto de centro en esta ocasión se eligió la elaboración de trajes típicos de Extremadura. El resultado como comprobaréis a continuación fué muy positivo y los alumnos disfrutaron con el baile y la degustación de dulces típicos elaborados por los alunos del taller de cocina.

Os dejamos un vídeo como resumen de la jornada.



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